The three schools that Souvenir Children Foundation of Haiti supported in Haiti had to temporarily close due to the political instability and gang activity in Haiti. Fortunately, an opportunity was presented to open a new school in a community called Belle Fontaine located in the mountains far from the turmoil in the capital Port-au-Prince. Currently there are 150 students.
We continue to support college students pursuing university education. Over the years we have given scholarships to students studying Nursing, Education, Business and Theology. Currently we are supporting two students studying Education and Law.
We distributed dozens of school bags to the children in the school of Belle Fountaine. There is a need for clothing and shoes for those impoverished children.
Despite the political situation, we sponsored children’s summer camps in four areas that were well attended. The camps provided a welcome respite for the children during the surrounding instability.
In 2023 we look forward to renewing our support of the three schools once the political situation stabilizes. Also, we want to activate the micro credit program which is on hold. Moreover, we want to implement a goat raising program. We look forward to starting an adult education program.
The following is a Power Point presentation that was shown at a fundraiser held on October ’22. It gives a quick view of some of the activities of SCFH even during these trying times. The two medium- and short-term goals are to build a school in Belle Fontaine to replace the temporary structures made of corrugated tin and to have a reliable potable water source for the school and the community of ~ 3000 people.
We depend on the support of our generous donors to continue to move forward.
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